John Roberts Chief Justice SCOTUS confirmation hearing

C-SPAN, September 12, 2005

(Sen. Biden opening to Judge Roberts, Digital ID 36-second clip):


"We will be faced with equally consequential decisions in the 21st-century. Can a microscopic tag be implanted in a person’s body to track his every movement? There is actual discussion about that.You will rule on that, mark my words, before your tenure is over. Can brain scans be used to determine whether a person is inclined toward criminality or violent behavior? You will rule on that."

(Full Day 1 hearing, Biden opening remarks, begin 01:07:00 - 01:17:16 end, for full context):


The short user clip above was shared widely in 2020, prompting Reuters and other official government scribes to "fact check" it. Reuter's tries to debunk it, claims it is taken out of context, asserts that Biden isn't saying that *he* supports microchipping the masses. He's just asking the question.:

Fact check: Video doesn’t confirm Biden’s ‘agenda to microchip the masses’

Reuters, December 15, 2020


Which skips right past Biden's absolute assertion that Roberts "will rule" on microchipping the masses. Which is the point, that's the most important fact of all to be checked into. The fact that it WILL rise to a SCOTUS ruling. Meaning it *will* become public policy first, in some or many jurisdictions, in order for it to be challenged. Equally as menacing but not discussed is the use of pre-crime brain scans to determine criminal 'inclinations.' Like in the film 'Minority Report.'

It's not a conspiracy theory when they unequivocally tell you exactly what is to come. While they parse their denials like Reuters tries to do, hoping your curiosity goes away with the debunking of a strawman question that you didn't even ask.

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As to the ability to surveil entire communities with existing bluetooth technology, it's here. Being used now:

Injured teen's missing earbud leads to suspect's arrest after hit-and-run crash in Jensen Beach

WPTV, May 24, 2024


A bluetooth earbud. Under a floor mat in a car parked in the back of a house. Detectives were able to locate the specific MAC address pinging from an earbud by electronically searching the entire county for it. Score one for the good team, right! This is how to introduce the technology of the surveillance state, crime fighting assist, good! Remember, this is them telling us how the technology is being used for good. Know that they're not telling us how the technology is being used for nefarious purposes.

And if this technology is being used in a tiny earbud, it's not a leap to accept that it's being used in other, even tinier technology. Or biotechnology.

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As to the responsiveness to electromagnetism and Bluetooth connectivity of any antenna-like structures found in the blood of the vaccinated/swabbed, and any graphene connection that's been observed and reported here's an interesting study of graphene oxide in blood, as contemplated for vaccine applications:

Graphene Oxide Touches Blood: In Vivo Interactions of Bio-Coronated 2D Materials

Nanoscale Horizons, October, 2018


"The sp2 hybridized honeycomb carbon lattice of rGO and GO is hydrophobic and, therefore, interacts with the hydrophobic regions of proteins, according to the protein geometry. The basal plane of the GO is also enriched with p electrons, making p–p stacking interactions possible. At the same time the oxygen groups of GO, whose composition is strictly dependent on preparation and storing conditions, allow further hydrogen bonds and electrostatic bonds. These electrostatic bonds are strongly influenced by the charge on the proteins and therefore by the pH and the ionic strength of the buffer. Bonding on GO can also be mediated by van der Waals interactions. However, while the electrostatic interactions are more pronounced on GO, both van der Waals and electrostatic interactions play a major role in the adsorption of proteins on rGO due to the increase in the non-functionalized area on the surface. In the following sections, we will show how functionalization of the GO surface alters protein adsorption and consequently BC properties."

Lattices....stacked. Kind of like antennas are often stacked lattices. I'm not claiming that this is proof of the inference. But it is something to note that lends credibility to it. And if a van der Waal effect can be manipulated to repel or attract the graphene atoms in a body by a bluetooth type signal, that would explain antennas appearing and disappearing.

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