Behavioral Science(BS)/Economics is the "science" of propaganda campaigns, manipulating perceptions with measured efficacy to provoke changes in behaviors to conform within a proscriptive set of options that are desired by the behaviorists within a target population. How authorities create alternative realities in a way that maximizes compliance to authority, obedience.
BS practitioners and proponents understand that Behavioral Science is "The Science of Totalitarianism" per their own admission around the orchestrated pandemic BS fear campaign:
And their chosen "cure" for "excessive optimism" was the BS Rx of "fear amplification." Which is what masks are useful for. Using psychological understanding of the amygdala - fight, flight or freeze response that masked faces trigger just the same as seeing snakes all around you:
Fear amplification is aka, "Terrorize." Like how bank robbers and plane hijackers would wear masks pre-2020, inducing fear known to gain compliance with their demands. Terrorists. Sames.
But they can't tell everyone about their BS propaganda campaigns. They lose their efficacy, their credibility, compliance of the target population once disclosed. Even risking "blowback" and "backfire" that can become hazardous to the BS propagandist authorities. So they talk about BS behind closed doors, off the record:
"You’ve heard the sort of Council on Foreign Relations dos and don’ts. This is on the record. I know there were many things that might have been said about behavioral economics off the record had it been so, but unfortunately everything we say will in fact be on the record. So that deeply constrains our conversation, but so be it."
Note Council on Foreign Relations featured speaker, Maya Shankar, was the Obama administration's leader of the US's first "Nudge Unit" (formal applied BS propaganda office) that mirrored the Cameron administration's establishment of the UK nudge unit that spawned the UK's pandemic SPI-B behind the "Science of Totalitarianism" Guardian article above:
She's also the co-author of the UN's Behavioural Science Insights to UN Achieving Agenda 2030 - how authorities think they’ll make us happy owning nothing and eating bugs:
Don't let party affiliation fool you. Cameron was the UK's Conservative Party PM, Obama the US Democratic Party. Shankar is a D propaganda operative, Frank Luntz is an R propaganda operative, and here they are collaborating on a Chelsea Clinton podcast:
There's a much deeper rabbit hole this leads to that includes Cass Sunstein, the Biden administration, Cabal censorship and propaganda directives and operatives and his USAID color revolution operative wife Samantha Power. It even goes into the US Supreme Court, Chief Justice John Roberts, who bases many of his important rulings on applied BS propaganda mind-farkery, as he did in his surprising Obamacare (Affordable Care Act) ruling:
Behavioral Science(BS)/Economics is the "science" of propaganda campaigns, manipulating perceptions with measured efficacy to provoke changes in behaviors to conform within a proscriptive set of options that are desired by the behaviorists within a target population. How authorities create alternative realities in a way that maximizes compliance to authority, obedience.
BS practitioners and proponents understand that Behavioral Science is "The Science of Totalitarianism" per their own admission around the orchestrated pandemic BS fear campaign:
Because they said we "suffered" from "optimism bias":
And their chosen "cure" for "excessive optimism" was the BS Rx of "fear amplification." Which is what masks are useful for. Using psychological understanding of the amygdala - fight, flight or freeze response that masked faces trigger just the same as seeing snakes all around you:
Fear amplification is aka, "Terrorize." Like how bank robbers and plane hijackers would wear masks pre-2020, inducing fear known to gain compliance with their demands. Terrorists. Sames.
But they can't tell everyone about their BS propaganda campaigns. They lose their efficacy, their credibility, compliance of the target population once disclosed. Even risking "blowback" and "backfire" that can become hazardous to the BS propagandist authorities. So they talk about BS behind closed doors, off the record:
Behavioral Insights Into Policymaking
Council on Foreign Relations, April 18, 2017
"You’ve heard the sort of Council on Foreign Relations dos and don’ts. This is on the record. I know there were many things that might have been said about behavioral economics off the record had it been so, but unfortunately everything we say will in fact be on the record. So that deeply constrains our conversation, but so be it."
Note Council on Foreign Relations featured speaker, Maya Shankar, was the Obama administration's leader of the US's first "Nudge Unit" (formal applied BS propaganda office) that mirrored the Cameron administration's establishment of the UK nudge unit that spawned the UK's pandemic SPI-B behind the "Science of Totalitarianism" Guardian article above:
And Maya Shankar is now Google’s Chief Global Behavioral Scientist. How all things Google, from search results to Gmail, Android system functionality, Google Maps, etc are being algorithmically redesigned to incorporate psychological BS to manipulate perceptions, behaviors:
She's also the co-author of the UN's Behavioural Science Insights to UN Achieving Agenda 2030 - how authorities think they’ll make us happy owning nothing and eating bugs:
Don't let party affiliation fool you. Cameron was the UK's Conservative Party PM, Obama the US Democratic Party. Shankar is a D propaganda operative, Frank Luntz is an R propaganda operative, and here they are collaborating on a Chelsea Clinton podcast:
There's a much deeper rabbit hole this leads to that includes Cass Sunstein, the Biden administration, Cabal censorship and propaganda directives and operatives and his USAID color revolution operative wife Samantha Power. It even goes into the US Supreme Court, Chief Justice John Roberts, who bases many of his important rulings on applied BS propaganda mind-farkery, as he did in his surprising Obamacare (Affordable Care Act) ruling:
But I'll save that for another time.