WHAT exactly happened to ALL 7 buildings with a WTC prefix on Sept 11, 2001?

The following points need to be made regarding what exactly happened to the building and the observable evidence at ground zero, that the “9/11 truth movement” never touch on…

1. Building 3 (Marriot Hotel) – 14 Survivors - It was a 22-story building – 90% of that building completely went away, all the way to ground level and the 10% of it that was still standing (about 3 floors of the stub left standing) is where these 14 people survived.

2. Building 4 – 9 stories – 75% of it, also went away – all the way to ground level – Poof gone. There was virtually no rubble on this building, except for a small remnant of the building.

3. Building 5 – 9 stories - Had cylindrical holes in it, 24 feet wide, that went all the way to ground level. Once again, virtually no falling debris ended up on top of this building.

4. Building 6 – 8 stories - Had the middle of it scooped out, all the way to ground level as well as 13 cylindrical holes, 24 feet in diameter on the edges and close to the scooped-out centre of the building and all these holes went down to ground level. The centre hole in this building had MINIMAL RUBBLE inside it, it was virtually EMPTY!

5. Building 7 – 47 stories or 4 and a half Titanic’s’ stacked on top of one another – Was frothing away the whole day until just the outer skin of the building was left and at 5:20pm SILENTLY fell into its own footprint, it left the seismic reading of just 0.6 on the Richter scale, equal to just 2 stories hitting the ground.

6. The Twin Towers – 16 Survivors (“9/11 surfer” included) - 110 stories, equal to 10 Titanic’s in weight, stacked on top of one another. The survivors heard no loud explosions, no flashes of bright light, no molten steel raining on them, they did not go blind or deaf due to light flashes or explosions, they weren’t hit by falling debris - POOF they are gone into a HUGE DUST cloud. The seismic readings were that of a 20 and 16 story building hitting the ground respectively – Why was it so low?

7. Bankers Trust Building – (Across the street from the WTC complex) Was heavily damaged and rebuilt, just to be completely taken apart 5 years later due some lingering aftereffects affecting the structure of the steel in the building. Show me how a building that was not hit by a plane, had no office fires, because something affects the steel in the building?

Why has the 9/11 truther movement been “distracting” from all these points and why would the main talking heads, Richard Gage and AE911Truth, only be focussing on WTC 7 for the last 8 years, ignoring everything I’ve pointed out and never discuss the lack of seismic reading for WTC 7 hitting the ground? If you believe the official government narrative that it is all due to some jet fuel and office fires, then you have some serious problems in your thinking.

Has the 9/11 “truther” movement forgotten about ALL 7 WTC buildings that had massive anomalies that don’t fit the NIST Report and the “9/11 truth” movement’s THEORIES regarding “controlled demolition”, squib explosives, nukes, or mini nukes?

Can’t the 9/11 “truther” movement count past 3?

8 x Buildings were affected, why only focus on those three for the last 14 years?

Why have they not intensely investigated the observable evidence that was left at the crime scene that was ground zero?

the 9/11 “truther” movement keep on asking for an “independent forensic study” of WHAT happened at the WTC complex, when such an “independent forensic study” has been done and the EVIDENCE was submitted as high up as the Supreme court of America, via a Qui-Tam case against NIST and the subcontractors who wrote the NIST Report, for SCIENCE FRAUD, way back in 2009!

If this court case was heard and not illegally dismissed by the judge, the governmental subcontractors with links to advanced weaponry, who were tasked with the secured clean-up operations at ground zero and tasked with helping to write the FRAUDULENT NIST Report, these companies would have been DEPOSED back in 2009 already!

14 years of theories by the “9/11 truth” movement have been regurgitated to a point of exhaustion and it is currently turning into a waste of time, as they aren’t bringing anything new to the table.

Why does the 9/11 “truther” movement censor anyone who brings this up and why is the 9/11 “truther” movement keeping mum about this 2009 Qui-Tam case?

Are we not searching for truth about WHAT happened to those buildings with a WTC prefix?

Time for the 9/11 “truther” movement to stop focussing on just 3 buildings, when indeed there was MAJOR anomalies with 8 BUILDINGS!

Why aren’t you talking about the 9/11 orphans, Buildings 3, 4, 5 and 6?

Why not discuss the anomalous Banker’s Trust building, that was repaired, just to be dismantled a few years later due to the integrity of the steel that was waning? What does that?

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I've been trying to puzzle this one out myself over the last year or two. Obviously our main choices are directed energy weapons and/or micro nukes.

Judy Wood's take on things throws in the bit about the hurricane that unexpectedly took a turn right before 9/11 and left the skies nice and clear for the "terrorists" to strike. Of course the hurricane comes to mind when thinking about the Lahaina fires and the hurricane that was 500 miles away and yet somehow still causing high winds. (And don't forget the DEW military base on Maui). But I digress.

I was exposed to Dmitri Khalezov's take on 9/11 just a few months ago. It's interesting, and persuasive in a few aspects, but lacking in a few others. He thinks there was a single nuke in the basement of each of WTC 1, 2, and 7 that NY officials set off to avoid worse nukes being detonated higher in the towers. I see several problems with this, notably that the towers started to fall where the planes supposedly hit.

The HUGE number of people that jumped from the WTC implies that people were getting microwaved - a type of DEW. Police also said that a lot of people splattered on impact. Supposedly that's not normal - no matter how high the fall, terminal velocity is reached, and the body will stay in one piece.

So I'm inclined to think there was a mix of micro-nukes and DEWs. Also, the "planes" were holograms shrouding missiles. I tend to believe Khalezov's assertion that the missile that hit the Pentagon was a Soviet nuclear missile stolen from the Kursk.

Who did it, and what was the purpose of the whole exercise in mass murder? Supposedly to cover up a lot of financial shenanigans, as well as theft of gold from the vaults in the basements of the WTC. Seems like a giga-sized Rube Goldberg scheme just to destroy some documents, though. There might have been an attempted coup and/or cover for invading foreign countries thrown in for good measure.

We have to remember that George W. Bush could hardly have been the architect. He had only been in office 8 months, and he was/is not very bright.

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If you take the time to work through all my substack articles, you'll come to realise that nukes are the distraction behind door no 3....

Official narrative – Jet fuel.

Option behind door no 1 – explosives,

door no 2 – thermite,

door no 3 – buried or mini nukes.

Just don’t look at where the EVIDENCE points to.

8 Buildings, not just 3 were affected and there are WAY more anomalies that cannot be explained by "explosives, thermite or nukes" - https://911revision.substack.com/p/in-2022-we-passed-the-21st-anniversary

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I've subscribed and started to look at your substack. I'm far from convinced that DEWs can fully explain the collapse/disappearance/"dustification" of the towers. The amount of energy needed is massive, and only nukes provide an easily understandable answer to that. "Free energy" violates known rules of physics, and while cold fusion is plausible, you'd think it would have been replicated in the last 35 years. There are issues of molten metal at the WTC sites lasting for months, and huge scooped out holes below WTC 1 and 2.

And yes, I have been aware that WTC 6 had a HUGE hole in the middle of it, and WTC 4 was half gone. I hadn't looked at 3 and 5 in detail. There was a building behind WTC 7 that had to be demolished, and was never rebuilt, if I remember right. I think it was a college extension or something.

But I appreciate that you are filling in quite a few gaps that Judy Wood left in her outline of a DEW theory.

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The 8th building that was repaired and then later taken apart was the Banker's Trust Building which suffered some sort of "infection" that was eroding the steel... The Hutchison Effect causes steel to keep degrading, as one saw with the 100 days of "smoke" after the buildings disintegration due to a COLD DEW. The process is called "Magnetic Electro Gravitic Nuclear Reaction".

With regards to your statement of how much power would be needed, have a listen to this 50 minute video: https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/HAARP---1998:2

I'm not suggesting that this is the weapon used, Dr Wood has not tried to assume anything, she just did a study of the observable evidence and where that then points to. I would suggest you read her book and her 2007 whistleblower Qui-Tam case, as it is way more thorough than my feeble attempts here to introduce people to the truth.

And I re-iterate again - Nukes are the distraction behind door no 3.

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Then you need to watch this and get up to speed on "free energy" because the tech has been supressed for over a hundred years... Why? Because it rewrites the laws of physics....

Video: https://odysee.com/@wonderingwhatif:b/zero:0f

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Propaganda in focus, really? When you are propagating propaganda regarding 9/11 yourselves?

Also, now you're affiliated with "International Center for 911 Justice"...

We should ask this "International Center for 9/11 Justice” why they ban anyone for asking them why they do not want to discuss the whistle blower Qui-Tam cases that was filed in the Supreme court of America in 2007?

These cases were filed against the subcontractors who helped write the NIST Report, for SCIENCE FRAUD, which is in the public domain. It was filed after the completion of the ONLY independent forensic study of WHAT happened at the world trade center on September 11, 2001

This scientist was initially involved with “Scholars for 9/11 Truth”, whose founders were Dr Steven E. Jones and Professor James H. Fetzer, up to about 2006 and left when it was abundantly clear that this organisation, as most of the 9/11 “truther” movement talking heads, aren’t really interested in finding the truth of WHAT happened to 8 buildings with a WTC prefix.

The 9/11 "truther" movement does not want to discuss the evidence that was presented in these Qui-Tam cases, and they ACTIVELY SUPRESS this EVIDENCE that was presented to the Supreme Court of America. Why?

Find the information here: 9/11 and the 2009 Qui-Tam cases and Censorship - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/6.-QuiTam-and-Censorship:f

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